# (decoded with TMPL 129) Printer Name: 'Qume/Sprint' Num of Text Commands: (5 entries) 0: Command Code: 2 Command String: '^[I' 1: Command Code: 3 Command String: '^[J' 2: Command Code: 4 Command String: '^[Q' 3: Command Code: 5 Command String: '^[R' 4: Command Code: 9 Command String: '^[4' Num of Scroll Commands: (1 entries) 0: Scroll Resolution: 120 Scroll Type: 2 Scroll Command: '^[^>%b' Num of Res Types: (1 entries) 0: Number of Pins: 6 Vert Res: 72 Num of Resolutions: (2 entries) 0: Horz Res: 60 Graphics Cmd: '^[3' 1: Horz Res: 120 Graphics Cmd: '^[G'